The flight left Brisbane on time and some of the Crichton family went to see him leave. Here are some photos.
There will be more tomorrow taken at Newcastle airport after 25 hours of travelling.
Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Monday, 23 December 2013
Last emails from Australia
Well, a week or two late but here is the last email update from Australia for Elder Kay as he will be Skyping Christmas day and returning home on New Years Day. Anyone who would like to meet him at the airport is welcome to drop me an email. Unfortunately we cannot offer a lift and the Metro isn't running that day. His brother-in-law's sister's family will be giving him a good send-off from Brisbane. So far only four of us will be welcoming him home at Newcastle. Thanks for reading this blog over the last two years and being patient when I took a while to post updates. Wishing everyone a very Happy Christmas and signing off
Elder Kay's mum
On 9th December Elder Kay wrote: -
On 16th December Elder Kay wrote: -
Elder Kay's mum
On 9th December Elder Kay wrote: -
Man was this week a scorcher! My companion and I both got sunstroke I
think. Man I love drinking water! Anyway, while I'm on the subject of weather someone
told me there was a massive storm surge that swept through England and cut power
lines between London and Edinburgh. Hope everything is all good. It sounds like
everything will be different when I get back. Things are starting to slow down a
little for the holiday season and I think this is just a great
opportunity for us to reach out in ways that are more creative. (Isn't that a
bit weird that just because it's Christmas it becomes acceptable to make cakes
randomly for each other). It's a little weird having Christmas in the
heat again. We went on
Trade-offs with some of the young men and prospective Elders this week, it was
great. This ward is really changing. EXCITING!! I will miss it when I'm gone. I
love you all and hope you are not getting too caught up in the stress of the
Christmas season. Remember who we are worshipping, it is such a wonderful time
of year to reflect how we can more effectively serve our fellow men and our
LDK xxx
On 16th December Elder Kay wrote: -
Hey everyone,
I guess everyone is getting busy in the pre Christmas frantics. I hope we
are all finding time to reflect upon the life and mission of our Saviour as we
draw closer to the celebration of His birth I think it is such a wonderful
blessing that we have this knowlege of our Saviour and we all see to often the
world around us forgetting the origins of this wonderful time of year.
This week has been good but absolutely exhausting. We are excited for the
families that we are teaching and we have been abke to contact a family who are
under the radar of the Church records who want their youngest children
Baptised. We also went carol singing on Friday. It was wonderful and we invited
each of the families we visited to a meet and greet breakfast at the park which was a great success and we had a great time.
We laughed so much.
The work is good, we are re contacting alot of people because the area is
so small but we are meeting lots of great people. I'm really getting to know the
ward well, I will miss it when I leave but I guess I'll be back someday (that's
the plan).
Have a great week, I don't know if I'll be emailing again with the whole Christmas thing unless I email just before I leave while in the mission home. I
love you all.
LDK over and out.
Saturday, 30 November 2013
A stormy fortnight and wet shoes
19th November
This past week has been grand, it has stormed all week so it's been keeping
the heat down a bit but today was a beautiful clear day so when the sun got up
it was so hot. It's transfer P-Day today (why I'm emailing today) but all of us
in the Collingwood Park flat are staying together, I'm glad as we are pretty
tight and my companion and I are working really well together. We are seeing
miracles, finding new people, seeing old potentials and getting people closer to
Baptism and activity in the fullness of the Restored Gospel. One particular family are a
seventh day adventist family who are wonderful people, one of the boys used to
go to our church as the dad and his family are all mormon, so his uncle used to
take him. He loves the church and reckon he will be the key to the family. They
are so good. I Think the Lord has prepared this
ward for a lot of real growth. We also received training on the Book of Mormon.
It is such a special book and we've been issued an invitation to read it in 2
transfers (about 6.2 pages a day) sadly I only have the one transfer left so I'll
continue to do it when I get home. I am so grateful for the book of Mormon, it
is LOADED with spiritual and temporal instruction.
Sadly my time grows short on the computer and I would like to email others
but I love you all and pray for you often.
Fa soi fua. Elder Kay x
27th November
Hello all,
Today was another temple trip. I was blessed to do sealings. It is such a
blessing to be in a mission with a temple and it strengthens my testimony
of the truthfulness of this work every time I go.
The last week was great we taught quite a lot of lessons and are finding
many potentials, this area is really taking off and it can rise higher is we
step it up, there is still so much I need to learn and it seems so little time
to do it, sometimes I have to remember that there will be revelation and
experiences after my mission but it just seems that it will be different. The
Samoan guy we are teaching is awesome, he came to church on Sunday for the
first time in a while and seemed to enjoy it, we would like to get his Father in
law to be more involved in the fellowship as it will help him become more
active, they are such a great family, we are teaching quite a few people and I
am trying hard to refine my techniques so that we can follow up and get return
appointments more solid with fellowship. It's a bit of a shame that most of the
members work pretty crazy shift jobs or have families to care for as it means they can't help us with teaching very often. We don;t have many prospective Elders or Missionaries that can
help us either but we are slowly getting there, they
are seeing that we are working hard and so are gaining that desire to help.
This week we were hit by the biggest storm we've had yet, the lightning was
incredible. It was just like on those movies that look like it's done in a
studio as the lightning is just random flashes, but it really does look like
that because of the huge amount of rain. we were at am appointment at the time
but my shoes were left out side when the storm hit, they were under the porch but
it was just so heavy it all just bounced into my shoes -.- AAARRRGH! aah well,
we got a lift home.
I hope you are all doing well
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Late email
Elder Kay was late emailing this week due to a visit to the temple Here's what he had to say
This email is coming on a Wednesday as it was our temple day today - it was wonderful to go to the temple. I had
the opportunity to do baptisms and confirmations, it was great. I
can't remember much of last week, it all seeks to blend now so I'm not sure what
was this week and last week and three weeks ago hahaha! It was a pretty good
week as far as I remember, I think the thing I most remember was trade-offs with
the District leader, it was great learning from him. He is from Niue. He is a great missionary and is very bold. We were
blessed to find a less active part member family whose children were being
taught by the missionaries in the past and then just didn't go back for some
reason. We've been doing a lot of finding but we really need to change it up. We
are finding people but it really isn't that effective. We have been able to be
with a Fijian family though who we found a week or two ago. The Husband is a less active member with non member wife and children, they are awesome, we are going round
for dinner and hopefully will be able to start teaching them, the wife had a lot
of questions last time. I've found that as I get closer to the end of my mission, temptation
has increased and I find I have to be constantly on the move focussing on the
gospel and the people, this time will be a time of real growth. I am studying
Jesus the Christ by James E. Talmage at the mo, it has some amazing insights and
incredible gospel truths. The miracles and the teachings of Christ are
incredible to study and ponder and motivate us to be more like him, better
teachers and disciples. I find myself just like Jeffrey R. Holland fascinated by
the Apostles, they remind me of myself, so impetuous and unlearned in the ways
of the Kingdom of God and things. Obviously they are no longer like that and
have progressed beyond all that and those same blessings are available to us. I
was also on trade-offs this week with our Zone Leader and learned some
great things from him. We were talking about how there are so many things that
testify the Gospel and the Church of Jesus Christ is true and than we began
talking about how each person is a child of God and began pointing at the passing
cars say "he's a child of God... he's a child of God... she's a child of God.... he can become a god, and he doesn't even know it" As we remember that these
people are all children of God, our brothers and sisters, we WANT to share the
gospel with them. I am so grateful for everything I have, my family, friends and
all of you wonderful people who give me the support and love I need.
Keep strong Keep the faith
Love LDK xxx
Monday, 4 November 2013
Exercising bodies and faith
Hey hey hey!
This week has been great, we now have a new work out that President
Henderson put together with a personal trainer, there's a beginner's,
intermediate and advanced exercise. The advanced is HARD but I hope to be able
to do it by the time I go home.
There is a lot of work to do still and we were
blessed with miracles this week as we were diligent with the work. We found a
less active part member family who live on the street we're always around
as our area is tiny. It's so strange that there are so many people to work with
in such a small area, it's because of all the Samoans. Some missionaries think it's like Utah here. We were
also able to catch up with a family that we've been trying to contact for weeks
and found out they were sort of messed about with the house they're in by their landlord so have to move. They would like to stay here in the Ward but they
might not find a house here so we are praying for them, they are such a good
family. There is a non member there who struggles with the English gospel terms so my companion has given me his Samoan Preach my Gospel and hopefully we can teach
him, Elder T's Gospel Samoan isn't the best as he wasn't really around
the church speaking Samoan a lot but he managed to teach the restoration last
transfer, apparently with much effort. I'm only going to be learning Samoan in
my spare time as I obviously wasn't called to a Samoan speaking mission
so don't want to take it out of my study time.
We were blessed this week with 6 Baptisms in the Ward, 2 of them were from
our area and it was such a wonderful event. I kind of wish I hadn't eaten Taro
with the refreshments as it's really heavy and we had a dinner appointment an hour and
a half later :/ I'll miss the Island food, I'll bring some koko Samoa for you
all to try :D
Our teaching pool is kinda dry at the moment after all the
Baptisms but we are trying to find people and work with those we have. Lots of
appointments fell through this past week but hey, it happens! There are so many
great people here, if I get transferred to another area for my last I'll be disappointed, but I guess I'll be happy that the Lord has me where he needs me.
I love you all so much, strive to always be the best you can as we work together in becoming like our Heavenly Father. Help everyone you can. Have a great week.
LDK xxx
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Skip 3 months
A friend messaged me on facebook to say she checked in on this blog and it hadn't been updated since July. Sorry to anyone who was following. Here is an excerpt from Elder Kay's latest email. He is now in a small area between Brisbane and Ipswich which has a large Samoan population. If anyone wants to catch up on the bit in between please let me know and I will update you in an email or facebook message. We haven't had any photos since July. Elder Kay will be leaving Australia on January 1st 2014, but we are not sure what time and which way he will fly home (via the Far East or via the USA) so he could arrive home on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd January - Elder Kay's mum
28th October 2013
28th October 2013
Hey all you wonderful people, Brothers and Sisters.
This week has been such a blessing. A wonderful sister came to the waters
of baptism this week and we are meeting many wonderful people, hopefully
planting the seeds of the Gospel in their hearts. We have two more baptisms
coming up this Saturday with 4 more from the other Elders area, some of the
children of a family coming back to activity from the Aiga Samoa. [This was a breakaway church that formed due to misunderstanding and has now disbanded] They are both
wonderful families. I am really learning how to love people whatever their situations, of course I'm not perfect yet but I am getting better, the key is
listening. you realise that most people in this world nowadays don't REALLY
listen and this is something the gospel teaches us to do because that is what
the Saviour did. When we listen with love, we can really discern peoples' problems and characters and are able to have a deeper understanding of who they
really are, of course remembering that they are our Brother or Sister. We also
had interviews training this week and it was great to be with President
Henderson and receive instruction from our Assistants and leaders. We have some
really great Assistants in the mission at the moment who really have a love for
the missionaries and for the Lord. I am so grateful to be serving the Lord at
this time, at the time where the Lord is hastening his work, and although my
time here is growing short I am preparing for a life of service in the Gospel, I
hope I can help the work move along when I return.
I must admit. at the start of this week, we struggled, it is getting really
hot and humid here, and it's so important for us to drink LOTS of water. Isn't
water incredible?!! it sustains life and gives our bodies so much. I think it
incredible that such a simple molecule of Hydrogen and oxygen does so much. I
marvel at what our Heavenly Father has given us. I am grateful for the mission
at this time, there is exciting change happening, let me share a part of
President Henderson's weekly email to illustrate our culture of Faith:
"We are creating a culture of faith in this mission. We
know that faith comes by. . . . hearing . . the word of God (Romans 10:17). We
are adding fuel to our faith every morning when we have focused and inspired
personal and companion study. During this sacred time we are able to read
inspired writings and have the Holy Ghost build our spirits. The Holy Scriptures
strengthen our faith. In Helaman we read, “ . . . ye do know of yourselves, for
ye have witnessed it, that as many of them as are brought to the knowledge of
the truth, . . . are led to believe the holy scriptures, yea, the prophecies of
the holy prophets, which are written, which leadeth them to faith on the Lord,
and unto repentance, which faith and repentance bringeth a change of heart”
(Helaman 15: 7,8). It is this mighty change of heart that is the focus of who we
are becoming. When the change is permanent, all things around us begin to
change. When things change because of faith, requests from God come with power
to accomplish His designs. We find power to complete all that He requires of us."
He is such an inspired man.
I love you all and hope you are all well. Keep Calm and Carry On!
LDK xxx
Monday, 29 July 2013
29th July 2013
This week our whole flat was sick so we were stuck in the flat for
half the week. I wasn't too bad most of the time so I just traded off with the
other Kenmore Elders to get work done in both areas. Things are starting to move
here, we nearly matched last weeks numbers (apart from finding hours) even though we
were sick and compared to last week we found heaps of potential investigators. At the moment we are teaching a guy that busks around Brisbane (he's really
good and he said he can get 100$ from 4 hours :O I was like, I'm sooo moving here after my mission just to busk hahaha!) It's weird being in a ward again, it's not as easy to get to know the members as there are so many. There are some awesome families here.
That church Pageant sounds really good, what's the program?
you can up date me next week. There isn't really much to say due to being sick this week.

LDK xxx
The photo was taken by the Crichton family who visited Elder Kay with birthday gifts and a cake for his 21st.
Thursday, 25 July 2013
Back in Brisbane
Elder Kay had his 21st birthday last week. There are photos on his facebook page. Here are excerpts from his last 2 emails
17th July
Greetings all from the land of Oz,
Oh yeah I'm also District Leader again, I don't feel I did a good job last
time so I want to try hard to do better, I'm realising that the mission is all
about self mastery, preparing us for our life and then ultimately for the
eternities. President Henderson said at transfers that District Leaders are
going to have increased responsibilities so it will be interesting to see the
new changes.
I'm really excited for this new Transfer. It's a new start. I think I
learned what I can from Warwick and I'm ready to make this last 6 months count.
I love you all so much, never give up, live your dreams and be faithful to our
Lord and master who has given us all.
Love LDK xxx
22nd July
Hope everyone is well. This week has been pretty good,
we've done a lot of finding. We taught a lesson to the young women who had
brought along a couple of non member friends and it went really well, I really
enjoy teaching a group I think it is way fun. Missionary work in Kenmore seems to be slow
at the moment (seems to be the trend for me, being transferred into slow areas) but I
hope we can pick it up, we did a lot of tracting this week but got hardly any
potentials. I really want to help the members be better missionaries. There
are a few good missionary families but the Ward can always improve so hopefully
we can serve them and try to lift them up. We meet in a chapel that is actually
in a different stake.
New rules are being introduced by the new
mission president to clean up missionaries language (many people adopt like the
Polynesian slang and things) to help us be more like the Saviour. It's good, but a little difficult,
but I guess it prepares us more for the eternities, We were sent here to become
like Him. We truly are Children of God and I love the Plan of Salvation.
Friday, 5 July 2013
End of an era - change of Mission President
24th June
Hey everyone, Thanks for all of your support and prayers. Things are going
well Elder Edwards and I are getting on like a house on fire. We are excited for
the Baptism this week. It will be such a good experience. Things are going well
here but we've been pretty busy this week we had special training and tradeoffs
in Toowoomba and then we stayed in Stanthorpe for two days, there are some great
members down there.
We're struggling to find new people to teach but we must keep going. President Langeland goes home this week, he will be greatly missed, It will be strange having a new mission president. Sorry I've not sent any photos in ages.
We're struggling to find new people to teach but we must keep going. President Langeland goes home this week, he will be greatly missed, It will be strange having a new mission president. Sorry I've not sent any photos in ages.
1st July
Well this week was good we did alot of finding but it was topped off with a
Baptism at the end of the week. On Sunday we also saw the World wide training
meeting, it was brilliant! I'm excited for the new mission President arriving this
week. Things are going well we will hopefully get the Branch inviting more of
their friends to join in gospel related activities and eventually hear the
I love the book of Mormon I was reading in Alma and his wish that he was an
angel to declare the Gospel to all the world, sometimes I echo that wish but I
have learned that we must use the tools we have been given to do the things
we can and the Lord will do the rest.
Sacrament meeting was about education on sunday it was really uiplifting
and well... Educational hahahah. I'm still figuring out what I'm wanting to
do when I come home.
Hope everyone is doing ok, if you're not, make it happen!
Monday, 17 June 2013
Here are excerpts from the last few emails. It's Elder Kay's birthday on 18th July, so if you would like to send a card the address is just to the right of this post
Hope everyone is well, things are good over here although they are cold, yes
mum it is transfers this week, if I stay I'm buying some trousers and hat and
gloves methinks :/ Things are pretty much the same as last week, a lot of
lessons fell through but we continue to go forward. We have some good plans
for this week. We were able to get some good stuff done in PEC (Priesthood Executive Committee meeting). That is one
thing I've learned about heaps on my mission is administration of the church. It's such a blessing to be on a mission.
LDK xxx
LDK xxx
Hey sorry it won't be much of an email. I'm doing well, Elder Lao
was transferred. My New companion's name is Elder Edwards. Sorry it's short; we got
back from transfers late and I wanted to email Ems and James as they emailed me
and I felt I needed to respond. Love you all hope all is well.
LDK xxx
Sorry I didn't email last week we were super busy. I'm doing really well.
I'm not sure if I told you about my new companion. He's from Melbourne and we
actually came on our mission at the same time so I knew him from the MTC. He's great we get along well.
The work is going better at the moment we are teaching a lady who is getting Baptised on the 29th of June, she is an ex nun and she is awesome. We
are having the Baptism in a swimming pool as Warwick doesn't have a font and
she's from an even smaller Branch near the New South Wales border. Toowoomba
(the nearest chapel with a font) is too far away for everyone to go and she can't
get baptised in the Dam because it's too cold.
Its really cold here it's getting into minus figures at night now and it probs
only gets to like 17 tops in the day. Tracting is not the best way of finding here, but we keep moving on. We continue to work with the members and the less actives, I think the
members are finally getting to be excited about missionary work.
Anyhoo I love you all, be the best not the rest :P
LDK xxxx
Monday, 20 May 2013
Is 19° cold?
20th May
Elder Kay didn't email last week as we spoke to him on Skype Sunday 12th May, which was Mothers' Day in Australia. He now has an Australian accent and uses a lot of words and phrases he didn't know before he went on his mission - some missionary phrases and some Aussie ones. Here's this week's email: -
How is everyone? I'm doing great, Warwick is cold and I don't like the cold, but
it is very beautiful here in winter. The work is going pretty well too, we are
doing a lot of finding. We have found more great potentials (one of them
wasn't in when we called for our appointment today, but she got back to us so hopefully we can set up another
time). She seems solid as. We also got a new Branch Mission Leader on Sunday who
is awesome so I think the Work is going to get better. We're going to start having
a little section in the start of Priesthood/Relief Society to teach the members
about Preach my Gospel and how to share the Gospel with Friends, we need more
member Missionary work. It's weird to think back to my early days when I
struggled to talk to people at a door or on the street, there are still
apprehensions but it's almost second nature now. I still need to be
better though and I could work smarter. You just learn so much. and I love it
when the Spirit calms you when people are being rude or abusive to you, it's amazing.
Missionary work really is incredible, there is no work like it and none
more important.
Well I love you all, the church is true.
(Here is the link to the weather forecast there - it's not as cold as England and it's supposed to be late spring coming into summer here!!! Elder Kay's friend, Elder Jorgensen is serving in Botswana and he was commenting about the "cold" as well - I suppose people acclimatise to where they are)
Friday, 10 May 2013
Mission Conference, Sunday School and a pet kangaroo
29th April
This week has been slow but we spent a lot of time out of the area due to
transfers and we also had a special mission conference with Elder Dallin H. Oaks, it was awesome, he's such a great guy and it was such a privilege to feel
of his spirit he gave some awesome insights on revelation and our "mantle"
We are still looking for people to teach but we will be teaching some
investigators in Stanthorpe (near the NSW border) in a couple of weeks.
Things are good I love you all hope you are well. I'll send a letter to the
Branch soon (sorry I'm terrible at writing)
Hello hello,
We teach the youth 12 to 14 Sunday school every Sunday but the teacher for
the older youth class was away so we had both classes together and man it was crazy cos there are
heaps of youth here. They are really good kids though. You won't believe this, a
member we had dinner with has a PET KANGAROO!!!! I laughed when they first told
me. I really want to get Warwick going - things are picking up, the members are
preparing people for us to see. I kind of have the suspicion that most of my
mission will be planting seeds but that's OK with me. I just need to trust the
How is everyone? this last week has been pretty good we did quite a lot of
finding and enjoyed trade-offs with our district leader, I stayed in Warwick but
probs would have liked to go to Toowoomba for the day, but we found a
couple of good potentials (who at first thought we were school kids hahahaha!) Something else people do in the super markets- come and ask us where stuff is (mistaking us as employees) - none of the
employees wear ties (or badges, or white shirts for that matter, not even the
managers) but hey it's all good fun, it's something to talk about.
I also have bad news
:( I lost my wallet, I honestly don't know how, we looked everywhere and left
our number at the police station.
Until I get a new church card we're living on my companion's allotment, we shop
pretty cheap anyway (he's the man). That's what I like a lot of missionaries in
the mission it's share and share alike.
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Not much to say this week
23rd April
I have a new companion now, his name is Elder Lou from Sacramento, he is awesome, he was with Elder Greenfield before. We just got a new Branch President so we are excited to see what will happen here with the work, he seems great. I don't have much to report this week. Sorry it's not a long one transfers is such an ordeal because we had to travel so much. If you want to send me anything for my birthday make it something good like Bovril please, there is only so much English stuff I can come by.
Sorry about not sending photo's I've just not really got round to it but I'll send some soon.
I have a new companion now, his name is Elder Lou from Sacramento, he is awesome, he was with Elder Greenfield before. We just got a new Branch President so we are excited to see what will happen here with the work, he seems great. I don't have much to report this week. Sorry it's not a long one transfers is such an ordeal because we had to travel so much. If you want to send me anything for my birthday make it something good like Bovril please, there is only so much English stuff I can come by.
Sorry about not sending photo's I've just not really got round to it but I'll send some soon.
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
8th April
Hey, How's it going?
I got told I sounded more English than ever
yesterday YYYYAAAAAAYYY, People keep telling me I sound American but I
think it's cos they have pre conceptualised ideas about Mormon Missionaries. aaah well, the work is going slowly at the moment but we did a lot of
service this week, we dropped a few potentials, we really need the Lords help
right now cos we can't seem to find anyone, but there is someone otherwise we
wouldn't be here. Our Branch mission leader is the best, he is always
encouraging the members to feed us and find people, he's the man. It's good to
have challenges though. Our one Investigator is back so we hope to be teaching
her a lot but she's really busy with her family Business. An excommunicated
member has decided to get re Baptised which is exciting (even though it's not
our jurisdiction)
I'm excited for Zone conference this week as we'll actually see
missionaries, it's kinda lonely here I'm glad the members are awesome and my companion is the man. man I hope I can get more humble
I'm such a Mahi but hey that’s what the mission is for.
15th April
Talofa, ua mai oe?
Hello, how are you? This week has been
interesting, our bikes seem to have endless problems, we got flats again, so we
bought these inner tubes with slime in, this sealant that stops you getting
punctures (YEAH). I really enjoyed conference although I only saw two and a half
sessions. I
really enjoyed L.Tom Perry's talk and President Monson’s talk, also President
Uchtdorf’s talk.
We are doing a lot of finding at the minute,
we found some awesome potentials on a trade-off this week. I think the district
leader and his companion got a bit bushed as we had a Zone conference at
Karawatha (just south of Brisbane) so they had to get up early to pick us up for
the 2 hour journey to get there by 8:30 and they are an hour away in Toowoomba. They stayed overnight after the conference then left. President gave an awesome
training on the Saviour’s physical experience though the Atonement and it was
incredible. I'm so grateful for he did and is now doing for us and it is such a
blessing to be able to have and to share this knowledge.
keep the faith and be strong
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
April 2nd 2013
How is everyone? I can't believe how much Spike has grown - his emails are really inspiring and he must have had a great trainer. I'm glad. Man he's such a good example to us all. This last week was slow as due to many bike problems but we found some awesome potentials, an Irish couple who we left really thinking about stuff I think the spirit really touched them but the appointment we had with them yesterday fell through, but it was a public holiday so they probably just decided to go out as they had a day off. This week has already started off better and we are doing some good work, the members here are awesome, Warwick area in the mission kind of has a bad reputation but it is awesome, I truly have a testimony of attitude and how it can affect things, especially your spirituality. My legs are getting strong as from so much cycling, Warwick town is pretty flat but there are some really hilly areas that we often go to, We've been really looking for opportunities to serve people as well, as that is what will render a positive response from people here, we might be helping a guy landscape his Garden and we might be doing service at a place that does horse riding for the disabled. I love this gospel and the blessings it brings to our lives.
My companion was reading the Infinite Atonement by Callister and we studied how people have concerns with us becoming Gods, one of the scriptures it directed to was in John, chapter 10 where Christ speaks to the Pharisees and tells them that if it wasn't the case "their" law would be Broken. I'll put in a excerpt next week.
I love you all. Stay strong, stay Awesome.
Elder Kay
How is everyone? I can't believe how much Spike has grown - his emails are really inspiring and he must have had a great trainer. I'm glad. Man he's such a good example to us all. This last week was slow as due to many bike problems but we found some awesome potentials, an Irish couple who we left really thinking about stuff I think the spirit really touched them but the appointment we had with them yesterday fell through, but it was a public holiday so they probably just decided to go out as they had a day off. This week has already started off better and we are doing some good work, the members here are awesome, Warwick area in the mission kind of has a bad reputation but it is awesome, I truly have a testimony of attitude and how it can affect things, especially your spirituality. My legs are getting strong as from so much cycling, Warwick town is pretty flat but there are some really hilly areas that we often go to, We've been really looking for opportunities to serve people as well, as that is what will render a positive response from people here, we might be helping a guy landscape his Garden and we might be doing service at a place that does horse riding for the disabled. I love this gospel and the blessings it brings to our lives.
My companion was reading the Infinite Atonement by Callister and we studied how people have concerns with us becoming Gods, one of the scriptures it directed to was in John, chapter 10 where Christ speaks to the Pharisees and tells them that if it wasn't the case "their" law would be Broken. I'll put in a excerpt next week.
I love you all. Stay strong, stay Awesome.
Elder Kay
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
March 2013
Hello from South
This week was transfers and I
got transferred to a small town called Warwick about a 3 and 1/2 hour drive from Brisbane. We
are working here after Sisters so it's something new and it will be interesting. Sending two completely new missionaries into an area is known as 'whitewashing'. My companion is one of the Elders from my last flat. It was a big surprise when President
announced transfers. This area seems to be nice. The town seems to be about
half the size of Alnwick, but the town centre is about the same size. There
quite a few more members in this Branch (about 50 every week). The Branch
members are really nice - they gave us a lovely welcome
(I love Branches) The work will probs be fairly slow to start off with but
the sisters have given us a good grounding - we just need to get to know the
members and the area. We are full time walk at the moment as we have no bikes,
we wont be able to go to outlying towns in the Branch unless we get a lift with
the members, It will be hard but I'm excited I kind of needed a challenge like
this, I was kind of comfortable in Redcliffe, especially with a companion I got
along with so well. I hope we can follow on from the sisters.
Warwick is country as it has like rodeos and stuff!!The work just started off slow but the sisters must have done wonders because
we had heaps of referrals this week.. We now have bikes ... next minute... my companion gets a flat,
he fixed it today, then it went flat again!!!! aaarrrgh We found a few potential investigators last week but a lot of people here seem to be
busy during the day :/ We'll see what we can do. Half the branch members live miles away from Warwick itself. The members are awesome but I'm still trying to
get my bearings to get them to come to lessons and stuff to have people fellowship. We
are working hard. Send my best to everyone
How are you all today? hello from a very humid Warwick, we had a storm
yesterday evening; we were just sitting at a members eating pizzas watching the
storm pass over - it was pretty awesome. Sorry I didn't get any pictures but it
was so beautiful after it passed over the sunset was shining on the cloud bank
and you could see the lightning inside the clouds :P.
The work is picking up here, we've had
a few referrals and we are trying to get to do some service because I think that
is how we will get through to the people, I think they've had some 'pushy' missionaries so we are just loving and nice to people. We were invited to a Christian fundraiser by some people we met and it was nice, we were able to
talk to a lot of people. A new door approach I want to try is "we have prayerfully
selected you to hear about the gospel of Jesus Christ, is there a time we can
come and share it with you?" I think I'm really learning in
this area, 'whitewashing' stretches you but it is good.
I sort of
wish I could have stayed in Redcliffe but the Lord obviously wants me here and I
love it here, we just can't go to the Temple... again. C'est la Vie.
Take care.
Elder Kay
Monday, 25 February 2013
Working hard and teaching some great people
On 18th Feb Elder Kay wrote
That’s awesome that the missionaries are in Alnwick. That
area will be truly blessed especially through all your hard work.
Things are going good for Elder O'Connor and I - he's the best, we have such a good time and we work hard, we can always improve though and that is something we help each other with.
Our investigator didn't come to church but we met her friend and he's cool; he wants to be baptised and when we gave him the Book of Mormon and asked him to read he said "yes, and I'll have to come to church if I read this I feel as though they go hand in hand" Man the Lord really opens the door if you ask and are faithful. I'm so grateful for all the many blessings I have.
Anyhoo give my best to everyone.
Things are going good for Elder O'Connor and I - he's the best, we have such a good time and we work hard, we can always improve though and that is something we help each other with.
Our investigator didn't come to church but we met her friend and he's cool; he wants to be baptised and when we gave him the Book of Mormon and asked him to read he said "yes, and I'll have to come to church if I read this I feel as though they go hand in hand" Man the Lord really opens the door if you ask and are faithful. I'm so grateful for all the many blessings I have.
Anyhoo give my best to everyone.
And 25th Feb
Things are going OK here, we had a lot of lessons fall
through last week, but we have heaps planned for this coming week. While on a “Trade-Off”
with the Zone leaders my companion found a former investigator who wants to
hear the lessons again. We're teaching him tomorrow so I'm excited to meet him,
he just had open heart surgery so is bed bound which is sad, but we can pretty
much teach him whenever we want - obviously being considerate to his rest and
stuff. We are working well with the ward also and I'm starting to get to know
more people. We got 12 people to teach this week!!! It's amazing, we are also
teaching this awesome girl who is very accepting of what we teach and she will
hopefully come to church on Sunday. We had someone at church this week who we
are starting to teach but she is hardly ever available because of work.
It's so crazy Michael is on his mission in Manchester. Something I was thinking was that I think I was sent to Australia because I reckon I would find it hard being a missionary so close to home.
I miss the Branch, I was thinking recently about how much they were a part of my life and I need to write to everyone.
Be strong. Keep the Faith.
It's so crazy Michael is on his mission in Manchester. Something I was thinking was that I think I was sent to Australia because I reckon I would find it hard being a missionary so close to home.
I miss the Branch, I was thinking recently about how much they were a part of my life and I need to write to everyone.
Be strong. Keep the Faith.
Monday, 11 February 2013
Work, study and testimony
I can't believe Michael is on his mission already.
The work here is picking up. We came across a less active guy and we left the lesson with a brother hug and he read us his testimony, it was awesome and the spirit was so strong. He just finds it hard to get to church because his work takes up so much time so he wants to spend his spare time with family, so we are praying that their hearts will be softened and that they will come to church together. We are going to help him come to church. We've also been finding some good potential members and the teaching of one investigator is going well. I hope she comes to church next week and we may be able to set a date for the March miracle, her name is Vidie and she's so nice, hopefully we can get her son to join in with the lessons too. There is a lot we are doing, we want to try and mix up our method of finding as we've been doing a lot of tracting (i.e. knocking on doors to speak to people) recently and we've got better at GQing ('Golden Questions' - i.e. What do you know about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Would you like to know more?) people on the way to appointments. It's just a little frustrating sometimes when we have to bike 20 minutes into our area and we don't see any people to GQ on the way.
I am enjoying my studies I found a scripture in 1 Chronicles 29:29, it talks about the reign of David being written in books not found in the Bible today. Many people do not realise really how many scriptural writings there are in the world. Why would God not speak to his children in other parts of the world than what we know as the Holy Land? I solemnly testify that the Book of Mormon is truly another testament of Jesus Christ and that it is inspired scripture for our time, it will never be discredited by the workings of men because it's writings are divine in origin and as Moroni instructs all those who pray for a knowledge of it's truthfulness, with real intent and a faith in Christ will receive. Christ really did save us of our sins when he performed the Atonement and we can be cleansed through obedience to the Laws and Ordinances of the Gospel. In the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
Oops! Long time no posts
Happy (not so) New Year. I just realised I haven't updated this blog since the beginning of December so sorry to all those who have checked in several times to find nothing new! Now the decision to start with the most recent email and work backwards or start with the oldest and work forwards! I suppose the latter would make more sense, so here goes
10th December 2012
The above photo was taken at Townsville airport.
I have left Townsville and at nearly a year on my mission went to my first transfer meeting. I flew down on Saturday and stayed with the Holland Park Elders (near the city in the Brisbane Zone). Elder Greenfield in Holland Park is none other than Robert Greenfield from Sheffield who incidentally was in my counsellor group at the 2009 EFY in York... It's funny cos when I first came to the mission people asked do you know Elder Greenfield and I always said probably not there are a lot of people in England HAHAHAHAHA! It was fun to reminisce about home and the things that aren't in Australia (like Greggs!)
I'm now in Redcliffe area (I'm in Brisbane North Zone again) I'm just a little south of where I was a few months ago. My new companion's name is Elder Forman, from Utah. I think I'll like working with him, we are both ready to work and we seem pretty well matched in personality too :) I'm also a District leader again - it should be a good experience to be District leader down here where I get a packet of instruction and everything. A lot of the responsibility is now on the Zone leaders now though as we just meet as a Zone now. One of the Elders that were in Townsville (Elder Latu) is now one of the Zone Leaders
24th December 2012
It feels weird, there's Christmas music blaring all over but it doesn't really feel like Christmas. The mission Christmas party was AWESOME. It's good to back down with the rest of the mission.
We're actually having Christmas lunch with members tomorrow so that will be good. The ward members here are awesome and there will be some good work to do. Anyway I hope you are all well and have a wonderful (cold) Christmas :P I'll try to Skype tomorrow.
(Elder Kay was able to talk with us on Skype on Christmas Day so we could see how much weight he has put on (but he looks very well for it!) and hear how Australian his accent is!)
2nd January 2013
This week I got to go on trade-off with the Burpengary Elders (it was interesting to be in familiar territory again) We taught some good lessons. .
The Gospel is true; Joseph Smith was a True Prophet.
14th January
This week has been good. The Ward Mission Leader has some great plans for the ward missionaries We are going to start teaching this awesome family as they are now available. I'm also planning to set up a Zone service project with the Help of the Zone Leaders which will be exciting. I'm not sure how many non-members use the family history centre but maybe we could check that out for potential people to teach.
Bush fires aren't really that close; we're not at risk but it's been pretty smoky around cos there was this big one on Bribie Island which isn't really that far as the crow flies.
21st January 2013
Another good week! We now have 2 new investigators and hopefully will have more this week as we have just started teaching a large family, they are great and I hope they will accept the gospel it will be so special to baptise a family.
It's crazy to hear about all this snow you have while it's boiling here. We had our first torrential rain in ages yesterday; it rained like a monsoon for half an hour and then this morning it's bone dry, it just evaporates so fast.
This Sunday we had a great Gospel Essentials class, we talked about Faith in Jesus Christ and we discussed how if we don't think we can get to the Celestial Kingdom it's like we are doubting Christ's capacity in the Atonement not just our own ability, it is truly incredible to think that Christ has paid the Price, all we have to do is keep the commandments. the Gospel is so simple. Ether 12
I love you all, the Gospel is true and I'm so grateful for all Heavenly Father has given us.
Stay Valiant, Stay Strong and Endure.
28th January 2013
Elder Forman was transferred so I have a new companion by the name of Elder O'Connel from Idaho we are quite alike in many ways so we get along great. Can you believe it there are going to be 34 new missionaries next transfer? That's almost a quarter of the current mission, heaps of missionaries will be training.
We've had a lot of storms recently so we weren't able to get he 15 hours finding we hoped for (on Sunday we even had to stay inside because of Cyclone warning) The weather has been crazy but it's blazing sunshine today. I'm no longer District leader, never mind upwards and onwards. We weren't too badly affected by flooding. I don't even know if they need a clean up in Redcliffe but we will strive to try and serve the people and hopefully touch their hearts with the light of Christ.
I can't believe Michael will be on his mission soon.
The Church is true, Joseph Smith truly did restore the wonderful gospel of Jesus Christ with the correct authority to the earth, I'm so grateful for that. I love you all. Keep Calm and Carry on :D
Last but not least 6th February 2913
10th December 2012
This week has been pretty good although our car is out of action; the other
missionaries had an accident that wasn't their fault. It's gonna be hard
without the car as it's getting pretty hot. The
cop that took their details was a less active member from Logan (south side of
Brisbane) so it was good for him to be able to make contact with church members. To be honest I need to lose weight anyway so
walking will be good. Transfers are this week, I'm
pretty sure I'll move. I'm gonna miss the people here a lot. It's going to be weird going to a new area, just when
things were starting to pick up for real here.
17th December 2012
The above photo was taken at Townsville airport.
I have left Townsville and at nearly a year on my mission went to my first transfer meeting. I flew down on Saturday and stayed with the Holland Park Elders (near the city in the Brisbane Zone). Elder Greenfield in Holland Park is none other than Robert Greenfield from Sheffield who incidentally was in my counsellor group at the 2009 EFY in York... It's funny cos when I first came to the mission people asked do you know Elder Greenfield and I always said probably not there are a lot of people in England HAHAHAHAHA! It was fun to reminisce about home and the things that aren't in Australia (like Greggs!)
I'm now in Redcliffe area (I'm in Brisbane North Zone again) I'm just a little south of where I was a few months ago. My new companion's name is Elder Forman, from Utah. I think I'll like working with him, we are both ready to work and we seem pretty well matched in personality too :) I'm also a District leader again - it should be a good experience to be District leader down here where I get a packet of instruction and everything. A lot of the responsibility is now on the Zone leaders now though as we just meet as a Zone now. One of the Elders that were in Townsville (Elder Latu) is now one of the Zone Leaders
24th December 2012
It feels weird, there's Christmas music blaring all over but it doesn't really feel like Christmas. The mission Christmas party was AWESOME. It's good to back down with the rest of the mission.
We're actually having Christmas lunch with members tomorrow so that will be good. The ward members here are awesome and there will be some good work to do. Anyway I hope you are all well and have a wonderful (cold) Christmas :P I'll try to Skype tomorrow.
(Elder Kay was able to talk with us on Skype on Christmas Day so we could see how much weight he has put on (but he looks very well for it!) and hear how Australian his accent is!)
2nd January 2013
Hello all!,
It was great to talk with you guys on Skype. Things have been OK here, a little slow for the Christmas period but we're going to pick it up. The
mission achieved 450+ Baptisms this year which is the best in a while. We're going to focus on finding ( Tracting/GQing) as in this mission a third of
baptisms come from finding so we're going to try to do 14 hours a
week, we might do more depending on the heat because we also have the
bike ride into our area.
I made waffles last week (we have an electric waffle
iron) oh and we have maple syrup extract to make syrup it was yummylicious. Members give us so many canned foods and stuff, I swear we could live for two months - Heinz tinned stews and lots of
baked beans, we also have sooooooo many kidney beans. Food tastes very different here especially from the bakeries and also the sausages; I was
just thinking of Cumberland sausages a while ago mmmmmmm. The beef
also tastes different here as the cows have a different diet.
The gospel is true and so is the Church. I forgot to tell you it was temple day today (first time in like 8 months) it was great.
7th January 2013
The gospel is true and so is the Church. I forgot to tell you it was temple day today (first time in like 8 months) it was great.
7th January 2013
Happy new year. Hope you're all well, I'm brilliant. It is a
little warm but I'm kinda used to it by now. It's been
about 39 a couple of times but it's nice here because we're on a peninsula and
so there is a really good sea breeze.
The work at the moment is picking up, we have lots of people who will hopefully progress as we work with them now that the Holiday season is over.
The work at the moment is picking up, we have lots of people who will hopefully progress as we work with them now that the Holiday season is over.
This week I got to go on trade-off with the Burpengary Elders (it was interesting to be in familiar territory again) We taught some good lessons. .
The Gospel is true; Joseph Smith was a True Prophet.
14th January
This week has been good. The Ward Mission Leader has some great plans for the ward missionaries We are going to start teaching this awesome family as they are now available. I'm also planning to set up a Zone service project with the Help of the Zone Leaders which will be exciting. I'm not sure how many non-members use the family history centre but maybe we could check that out for potential people to teach.
Bush fires aren't really that close; we're not at risk but it's been pretty smoky around cos there was this big one on Bribie Island which isn't really that far as the crow flies.
21st January 2013
Another good week! We now have 2 new investigators and hopefully will have more this week as we have just started teaching a large family, they are great and I hope they will accept the gospel it will be so special to baptise a family.
It's crazy to hear about all this snow you have while it's boiling here. We had our first torrential rain in ages yesterday; it rained like a monsoon for half an hour and then this morning it's bone dry, it just evaporates so fast.
This Sunday we had a great Gospel Essentials class, we talked about Faith in Jesus Christ and we discussed how if we don't think we can get to the Celestial Kingdom it's like we are doubting Christ's capacity in the Atonement not just our own ability, it is truly incredible to think that Christ has paid the Price, all we have to do is keep the commandments. the Gospel is so simple. Ether 12
I love you all, the Gospel is true and I'm so grateful for all Heavenly Father has given us.
Stay Valiant, Stay Strong and Endure.
28th January 2013
Elder Forman was transferred so I have a new companion by the name of Elder O'Connel from Idaho we are quite alike in many ways so we get along great. Can you believe it there are going to be 34 new missionaries next transfer? That's almost a quarter of the current mission, heaps of missionaries will be training.
We've had a lot of storms recently so we weren't able to get he 15 hours finding we hoped for (on Sunday we even had to stay inside because of Cyclone warning) The weather has been crazy but it's blazing sunshine today. I'm no longer District leader, never mind upwards and onwards. We weren't too badly affected by flooding. I don't even know if they need a clean up in Redcliffe but we will strive to try and serve the people and hopefully touch their hearts with the light of Christ.
I can't believe Michael will be on his mission soon.
The Church is true, Joseph Smith truly did restore the wonderful gospel of Jesus Christ with the correct authority to the earth, I'm so grateful for that. I love you all. Keep Calm and Carry on :D
Last but not least 6th February 2913
Today was temple day so I'm emailing late. I've had a great week and a
half though, me and Elder O'Connor work well together, we work really hard and
we're always tired. Our finding has gone up as has our potential
investigator to hour finding. We are hoping to achieve our goal.
Dad I know what you mean by loving the people. One
time someone came to the door with a really rude attitude and we were just
polite and happy and we asked if there was anything we could do for him and he
seemed to feel a bit bad as we went away cos he apologised to us. I know that
even if people do not accept our message then we can touch their lives and help
people in other ways.
I am loving my studies.
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